What I like About Fall

o.k. so I have been reading other blogs lately about why they like Fall. And while I love fall, I love the cooling season, the changing color of the leaves, football, Halloween, and especially my birthday. But I have to admit that I really get excited for Fall because it means a new television season with all new episodes! So here are a few of the shows that I am most excited about.


Deanne Hill said…
I like all those shows (sans the crime drama one I've never seen) plus a billion more! I usually read books to Ty at night, but no more, baby! It's TV time! :)
stephschmidt said…
Hooray for new seasons! I'm all about the TV, too. And don't forget Dancing With the Stars starts next week :)
Camille said…
I like the Office, but with soccer season it seems like we never watch tv anymore -- except James and I always watch "Rachael Ray" while we eat lunch, which is hilarious since I don't cook at all. So I can watch Rachael cook something delicious and feel sad about whatever I'm eating instead. :)

What, Steph, are you stuck on Dancing with the Stars too? Wendy and Valeri got ya hooked?

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