New Members of Our Family
That's right! We have three new members of our family. Their names are Goldilocks, uppy, and kiki ( one guess who named them, actually quite impressed with the name Goldilocks since it goes well for a gold fish). Yes, I was feeling actually quite pleased with myself. The kids have been wanting a dog for sometime now, and since we are not quite ready for that kind of commitment I thought a goldfish might be a great replacement for now ( I am sure that Brett won't let us go to long without a dog). Anyways the kids love them. They were so excited to bring them to their new home. They named them, they fed them, and they watched them for the rest of the afternoon, and then this happened.....
Lousy 15 cent fish from Walmart! Guess it couldn't handle the transition very well. I knew that the fish wasn't going to live to long, although I was hoping for more than 4 hours. But I am not sure that I am ready to have that kind of conversation with Will. I am not ready. I need to prepare. So late last night Brett went back to Walmart to get another fish. I am positive that it cost more in gas, than the actual fish is worth. But the new fish has now lasted 24 hours. So that is good news. Hopefully it will buy me some more time.