Here Is the Info

O.k. so I know that I just kind of mentioned that I was pregnant last post. So I thought that I had better give ya'll some details that you have been asking for! It's still somewhat early but we are not one to keep it to ourselves. So I am almost 8 weeks pregnant. Which puts the due date at the beginning of June. I have my first Dr. appt Nov. 6. I think the best way to describe how I am feeling is that I am surviving, meaning I am not sick all the time but I definitely don't feel myself. YOu know the kind where your really hungry but the thought of eating anything makes you want to barf. Yes I am feeling tired but who has time to feel tired with two young kids. So my worst time is at night when I am really tired and really don't feel good. We decided (o.k. mostly I decided) that we are not going to find out what it is. We figured why not we have both boy and girl stuff so either way we are going to be prepared. And thought that it might be kind of exciting waiting until the end. So that is just about it.


Hilary said…
That's awesome . . . I've always wanted to do that whole 'wait to find out thing', but my impatience has never allowed it! :-) Congrats again! Good luck, and hopefully your second trimester will bring with it normal-ness and energy!
Unknown said…
How funny that you said Barf in a blog post!! I dont know why I think that is funny!! But it is! I am so happy for you guys!! You are such great parents this little spirit is so lucky to get to be a part of your family. I hope that you start to feel like yourself again soon!! xx
Megan said…
Not going to find out? Seriously? can you watch an ultrasound of the baby and not pretty much guess? I mean, you know what to look for now--I don't see how you could miss it. Well. I admire your patience. But it TOTALLY screws up one of my scrapbooking pages I'm planning where I'm listing all my pregnant friends and their due dates and what they are having. Thanks a lot Kel. You really should be thinking about ME. (I totally sound like that girl on Seriously So Blessed...)
Jessica said…
That's really exciting! We have always found out, but I don't think we would either if we had one of each. Hope the sickness clears soon!
Lisa said…
That's exactly what I keep saying I'll do...not find out once I have a boy and a girl. I don't know if that will ever happen...depends on how many kids we want I guess. I'm sorry you don't feel good. Nighttime is still the worse for me. I have sooooo much energy during the day and then 5 o'clock I hit a wall. It's fun we'll all have babies about the same age.
stephschmidt said…
How fun that you're not finding out what you're having; that makes it that much more exciting! Are you thinking one or the other, or do you have no idea? I would love to watch your kids if you want to rest one day. And Dallin would be thrilled!
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the baby. I bet you give in and find out anyway. Anyone want to make a wager on whether she really waits or not. SKW

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