Five Years? Really!

So tomorrow is our anniversary. Yeah! Five years. But as I reflect on our last five years I can't help but notice that it feels like we have been married much longer than five years. But in a good way. Let me explain. Since June 25, 2003 I have graduated from nursing school. Brett has graduated from the University of Utah and from Eastern Oregon University with an MBA. We have had two children (which we almost had two children at 3 years of marriage. Yikes! Kyanna was born three days after). We have moved a total of 7 seven times. That's right you have read that correctly seven times, that's crazy, including moving to Oregon for school. And we have been far away as Germany, Belgium, Grand Caymans and Mexico. Anyways it sure feels like a lot to me! Maybe our next five years won't be quite as crazy, but then again maybe they will! It's all fun. But it has truly been an amazing five years, I am so lucky to be married to someone who loves and is so dedicated to me and his children. Works hard for us each and everyday. And is so much fun to be around. I love you honey!!


Camille said…
Happy Anniversary! I won't tell you how many kids I had when my 5th wedding anniversary rolled around. :) We've been married 13 years and have 10 kids, so you get the idea. When is Will coming to visit us here in Lander?
Wendy said…
Happy Anniversary! It's crazy how quickly the years go by, yet it's hard to imagine life before marriage at times. Hope your day is great!
Valeri said…
Ah, Happy Anniversary guys! I loved everything you said. You guys clearly love each other and were meant to be! Enjoy your special day!
Jessica said…
Happy fifth anniversary!! Yes, the time really does fly...
Deanne Hill said…
Yippee! Happy Anniversary! I hope you guys get to go out and do something fun to celebrate! I'm jealous of all the trips you've taken! :)
Dan and Ang said…
Happy Anniversary! I'm so happy to have you in our family, Kelly! And of course you too, Brett. :) I hope you guys had a fun day today!
Unknown said…
I hope that you had a lovely anniversary!! You have a beautiful family.
stephschmidt said…
Happy Happy (late) Anniversary! Although I saw you on the actual day and told you then :) You guys are awesome together!

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