WARNING: Information about Cell Phone use and Children!

I sometimes let Kyanna play with my cell phone, mostly because she really only calls Brett and it keeps her entertained for a long time. It's very cute. Well last month our bill was $10 over. So Brett was looking at the phone calls made and noticed that there was three phones made to Indonesia at 2:42 p.m., 2:43 p.m., and 2:45 p.m. Luckily they were very short and luckily they only cost us $10 it could have been much worse. So I guess that Kyanna is done playing with the cell phone. I am not sure we can take a risk like that again.


Lisa said…
oh no! I let kooy play with my phone all the time too. I will be more cautious now. That is so funny! Once he was at grandma's playing with her phone and he called 911. The police came to the apt. and had to make sure that's really what happened.
stephschmidt said…
Hahaha - that is hilarious! Kyanna is so funny with her phones! I got a call from her one day; we had quite the little chat :) I love how you keep updating your blog; it's always so cute!
Dan and Ang said…
That's so funny! I love talking to your kids on the phone - they're so funny! I'm so glad those calls were so short!
Anonymous said…
That is so funny!! If she can call Indonesia, maybe she could call Casey, in the Philippines!! Sometimes we've had trouble getting our calls to go through to him. Maybe she could teach us a thing or two!!

Camille said…
Indonesia? Hmm, I wonder who she knows there. :)
Pat said…
Kelly and Brett--love your blog! I love the pretty pink background and all the colorful pictures! I had to laugh about Kyanna calling Indonesia on your cell phone! Chase loves to call on mine too and has called several people (mostly in the family) quite a few times, but so far we've been lucky enough that he hasn't called as far away as Indonesia! That must've been quite a surprise when you finally found those calls in your statement! :)

Love your sweet little family!


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