Best Friends

I sure love to see Will and Kyanna playing together. MOST of the time they play so well. I love that they are close enough in age that they are able to have so much fun with each other. Although I must say when they fight, and they DO fight, it can get ugly quick. They are either the best of friends or the worst of enemies. But more often than not they like each other.

Watching a movie. Also Will is sooo good to put with Kyanna!

Actually as you will see in the next picture. Will is getting ready to throw a snowball at Kyanna.

Yup there it is.

I just love this picture of Will!


Megan said…
Dude, that last picture of Will is SO 007! You have SUCH great kids!
Camille said…
They remind me of T and Rebecca. :)
Hilary said…
So cute! I love when my girls are just the best of friends, makes my heart melt!
Dan and Ang said…
Your kids are so cute! I miss them so much. I love those pictures of them.
Steph said…
So cute; I love Will's freckles :) I'm glad they're such good friends!
Cynthia said…
They look so cute together. I have always thought Will looks like your Hubs but in that last picture, there is something that totally reminds me of you- I think it's the eye area. In any case, I wouldn't mess with him- he looks like he can defend himself pretty well from that picture. Good luck, Kyanna.

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