The Things I've Learned.....

about Price in the couple of days that I have been here.

Sorry I know you all want pictures but the task of finding my camera cord right now is just to big and I STILL feel sick so this is what you are getting instead!

-Everything is either Dinosaurs or Castles. I am pretty sure that the High School Mascot (and there is only one high school in all of Carbon County) is the Dinos. The side of the police car says Dinos. I have seen many signs reading "Castle Country" I think it has something to do with the rock formations down here, which by the way are super cool!

-All day Kindergarten, that was a surprise. Will is super excited to either eat lunch at school or bring his own.

-Houses settle down here cause of the soil. So if you are really sensitive to that type of stuff (which I am) you can actually feel walking downhill in some places of our apartment. But on the upside my refrigerator door closes on it's own. So that one less thing to worry about.

-There are only 4 (I am pretty sure) stop lights in the whole town.

-If you are LDS you are in the minority down here. Which I think is highly unusual for a small town in Utah.

-The Walmart....all I can say is W-O-W!

-We have been here for four days and I don't think I have felt any wind. Which makes it really HOT!

-People have been VERY nice. The first day Brett's co-workers wife brought us a plate of cookies and invited the kiddies to her house while we un-pack and Brett's other co-worker brought us KFC. Although she did say that our house was a mess and that we had ALOT of work to do. But she was right!

-O.k. this one isn't necessarily about Price but more about our move. Schools and other companies that use a lot of paper aren't killing off our trees. It's the moving company! I have 10, Yes 10 full bags of paper that they used to wrap all of our stuff in ( and that's only half since the other half is in storage). They wrapped my dish soap in about 10 sheets of paper! Although I have to say having someone move you while you just watch them work is AWESOME!

-If you want to watch any t.v. at all you have to get cable. No free channel reception down here. We pay 15 bucks a month for local channels only. But they were able to install it on the next day.

-Everything requires a deposit. City utilities wanted a 200 deposit, the cable and Internet company wanted 50 dollars. I guess they must have a lot of people not paying their bills.

That's all I can think of right now. Someday I am going to count how many insurance companies there are because it seems to be unusually high amount. I am really trying to have a positive attitude about all this but its been hard, since we have been down here I have been SO sick and Brett has been working alot, our house is not yet rented in West Jordan and that is stressing me out big time! I hope next week is better!


stephschmidt said…
I love this post! I love all of the details! I especially love that your fridge door closes by itself :) I can't wait to come visit! I hope you feel better and you guys get settled soon and your home starts to feel like home :)
Kristi S. said…
That was really fun to read about! I really hope you feel better soon too. I'm sure we'll come to visit soon too!
Dan and Ang said…
I think Price sounds fun! I can't wait to come visit! I wish it could be sooner! :)

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